Emotional Intelligence Masterclass

Workshop Details & Registration

Emotional Intelligence training provides a road map for building and applying the latest research and wisdom in emotional intelligence.

EI describes the ability to perceive, understand and navigate the emotions of oneself, others, and teams. 

Well developed skills in EI assist us to manage our emotions in psychologically aware, responsible and safe ways. EI is correlated with emotional resilience, assisting us to adapt to personal and professional change and maintain energy for a balanced work style.

Most of us have good EI skills, we use them everyday. However, many of the skills remain outside of our awareness, so it is hard to intentionally develop them in ourselves and help enhance them in others.

Research shows that employees are hired for their technical skills and fired for their lack of EI skills. Many of the complex and draining interpersonal workplace issues are due to low EI.

This masterclass provides detailed knowledge and practical skills in the application of EI. 

Is this what you are looking for? 

Are you keen to:

  • Develop an understanding of key principles and skills of Emotional Intelligence

  • Deepen skills in self-awareness, self-management and self-regulation 

  • Consider how to apply EI skills to interpersonal workplace relationships 

  • Be better equipped to manage stress and high work demands, through self management and resilience skills

  • Facilitate peak performance at a team level, through building an emotionally intelligent workforce 

  • The program is:

    • Based on the original GENOS research and model of EI: Genos is an Australian based and workplace specific model of EI, which has been a forerunner in the Australian and international landscape of EI development. Michelle completed her accreditation in Genos over a decade ago and the Genos EI model has continually informed her work.

    • Informed by the latest neuroscience: Michelle has been extremely privileged to train with some of the world’s greats who have synthesised the latest  research in neuroscience, positive neuroplasticity and the newest area of interpersonal neurobiology.

    • Practical and skill focused The focus of this program is practical and focussed on skill development.

  • Workplace leaders and teams benefit from explicitly navigating emotional intelligence skills to support both professional and personal development, build interpersonal capacity and teamwork.

    The science and research in emotional intelligence (EI) clearly shows the power and value of EI in workplaces in terms of:

    • Organisational and team success

    • Leadership effectiveness

    • Staff engagement and performance

    • Workplace culture

    • Resilience and workforce sustainability

    Unlike IQ, which is fixed, EI can be taught and developed. Having a solid framework of emotional intelligence, supports EI development.

  • Certificates

    Certificates of attendance will be emailed within a week of the workshop.

  • Cancellation Policy

    Cancellations may be received in writing up to 4 weeks ahead. If you need to cancel up until that time, you will receive a refund, less a 25% processing fee. If you are unable to attend the workshop, you are welcome to pass on your place to a colleague. 

    Copyright Reminder

    You are very welcome to share the learnings from this training in your local workplace to upskill the capability of the workforce, in a way that respects Michelle’s copyright and intellectual property. 

    However please be aware that this does not give anyone permission to use this training program and resources for commercial purposes.

  • Please note all workshop timings are aligned with the Melbourne, Victoria timezone.

To register and pay, please select below to either:


By selecting the date you want to join below

Discounted rate for Pay as you register via credit card or paypal

  • Early Bird Rate payable via credit card or paypal: $255 + GST = $280

  • Regular Rate payable via credit card or paypal: $286 + GST = $315

Early Bird closes 6 weeks prior to workshop. Registrations close a few days prior.

*For Australian residents, GST will be added at the checkout.


By clicking the button below

  • Early Bird Rate payable via Invoice my workplace: $300 + GST = $330

  • Regular Rate payable via Invoice my workplace: $332 + GST = $365

Registrations close a few days prior. If payment is not made by the due date, an additional invoice will be sent to cover the gap.

*International participants won’t be charged GST.


There are currently no dates scheduled for this workshop, please contact Rita Page with any queries regarding this training on rita@michellebihary.com


Michelle offers scholarships to individuals for many of her workshops and programs. Visit our Scholarships Page for more information or to apply.