
As well as providing a variety of programs, we offer tailored services and experiences designed to respond to the unique needs of your workforce. 

These include speaking, tailored team days/programs, individual supervision and coaching, group supervision and reflective practice groups. 

These services provide opportunities for us to enhance your individual and group learning needs or create a uniquely tailored team facilitation day.

Michelle Bihary headshot with blue-rimmed glasses and colourful floral jacket.

These services are built upon the core values we bring to our work: 

  • That everyone can learn to build greater self-awareness, self-compassion and self-leadership, which assists them individually and contributes significantly to their team and workplace

  • That everyone is on a learning journey and we all benefit from psychologically safe, practical and tailored learning opportunities.

  • That employees are at their best when they are supported and empowered, allowed to apply their expertise and training to the benefit of their clients.

  • That workplace culture is an ongoing project, positively inspired and driven by leaders with the collaborative input of all staff.

  • That thriving at work is a right of employees and a responsibility of the workplace.

  • Employees should learn to be resilient to cope with the mental and emotional wear and tear of the clinical work, not have to learn to be resilient due to excessive demands or a toxic culture

The services we offer include:


If you would like to discuss your goals and how Michelle can support them