Psychologically Safe & Thriving Teams


The pressures of continual change, ever-decreasing budgets, increasing regulation and complexity that have created overwhelming demands on an already strained workforce, compounding workplace risks.

The cognitive and psychological impact on employees is intense.  Interpersonal stress and pressure have resulted in blowout increases in WorkCover claims for psychological injury, bullying and harassment, escalating conflicts, and incivility. Workplaces are struggling to ensure they are aligned with the legislative responsibility of psychological safety.

We need to rethink how we manage, shape and foster the psychological landscape of the environment, to ensure your clients get the best from your employees.

Michelle customises programs to support leaders and teams build psychological safety.

These are 2 programs Michelle regularly delivers for leaders and teams throughout Australia.

Leading a psychologically safe team/workplace program ensures that leaders understand how to shift the dial on psychological safety and optimise their leadership practices and the interpersonal culture.

This program provides leaders with the background and research in psychological safety and then provides structure and strategies for leaders to implement and tailor to their workplace.

Building a psychologically safe team program is a customised program for teams to optimise their culture and teamwork.

Creating a positive team ecosystem supports health professionals to perform their critical roles at their best, participate in healthy teamwork and at the same time, create a sustainable, thriving workforce.


Michelle works with teams to help them stay ‘above the line’, to navigate the deeply complex ways humans are challenged by living and working together. Managing collegial relationships alongside our professional roles, is not an easy gig.

What turns the dial on performance and productivity is creating the environment that ensures your workforce feels psychologically safe.  How we stay conscious and intentional about our behaviours and interactions at work is the critical difference between a toxic environment and one that soars to peak performance.

Your customers and your employees deserve to experience the best you all have to offer. Michelle ensures workplaces cultivate fertile soil for their business and their people to thrive. Michelle’s team programs ensure you have the skills and strategies to make that happen.

At work, helping teams thrive involves a complex dynamic of the psychology of humans, our brains and how our interpersonal relationships function.

This facilitated program enables teams to calibrate their behaviours to create a thriving workplace ecosystem. A high-quality workplace environment is built courageously through aligning our interactions to bring out the best in ourselves AND each other, rather than at the expense of each other.

From exploring values, psychological safety and brain science this program is engaging and fun, putting everyone in a more empowered position to function at their peak.

Michelle is informed by her extensive experience and the latest advances in neuroscience and emerging psychological research about psychological safety and workplace functioning. She draws on this incredible wisdom to create unique training and facilitated solutions to address the many interpersonal and teamwork challenges that workplaces face.


    Crafting a customised program for your team is one of Michelle’s greatest strengths. As an expert facilitator she can work with you to create an engaging and enlightening program for your team, influenced by your strategic direction and desired outcomes.

    As things don’t always go to plan, Michelle can be flexible and adaptive to the ongoing shifts and changes necessary and work with you on the spot to shape team work sessions for the best outcomes.

    These programs are customised and developed for your specific workplace, can be delivered online or in person.



Additional Resources

  • Insight Paper

    Michelle has written a white paper on this topic:

    From Risky to Robust: Applying cutting edge workplace research to build a psychologically safe and high performing service for the future.

  • Leave ego at the door for a psychologically safe workplace

    Inside Retail - March 2021

  • Book & Reading Guides

    Leading Above the line is my book about creating psychologically aware, responsible and safe workplaces where leaders and employees thrive.

    FREE guides to support you/your team in discussing the themes, examples and insights of each chapter of the book as well as its themes overall are also available.