Michelle's Resources

One of Michelle’s many strengths is that she loves to share her insights and resources.

Whether you attend one of her programs or visit this website, you’ll notice that Michelle is keen to share a range of helpful resources that support you and your team to thrive, to learn and to serve your workplace and community.

Her resources include:

  • Book

    Leading above the Line: Applying neuroscience to build psychologically safe and thriving teams

  • Newsletters

    Newsletters & articles by Michelle

  • Podcasts

    Free podcasts where Michelle has been interviewed

  • Media

    Published articles where Michelle’s opinion has been sought

  • Free webinars

    30-60 minute webinars where Michelle explored helpful topics

  • Whitepapers

    Free insights papers where Michelle explores her thinking, research, and models on critical topics

  • Supervision Surveys

    These insights surveys highlight ways the workplace/supervisors/supervisees can build their supervisory skills and optimise the supervisory experience.

Get Michelle's latest news and insights

Sign-up below for Michelle’s weekly newsletter, which provides practical tips, insights and tools to support you and your workplace.

and follow on social media for updates

Person using a laptop with "Michelle Bihary" logo on screen, holding a coffee cup, with a smartphone and tablet on the table.