Self-leadership & Values

Self-leadership is an emerging concept that encourages us to apply leadership principles, values, and practices to how we relate to and guide ourselves.

Taking personal responsibility for our energy, performance, wellbeing, and openness to learning ensures we function optimally and have a more positive impact on others. Self-Leadership depends on starting with developing self-awareness which supports deepening our skills in self-direction and self-management.

Self-leadership has been a huge personal and professional asset this past year.

I feel very blessed to be supporting a range of professionals in developing self-leadership.

Below is a message that I received from a recent attendee to one of my programs that I felt could be of value to others at this time.


I really appreciated and enjoyed today's Thriving Professional Women session. Whilst so many of us on the zoom are currently living in lockdowns or being directly affected by them the ability to come together and talk about our individual driving values and how this adapts through the lens of uncertainty was fascinating. Few of us knew each other prior and yet the connection and openness of discussion was infectious. Connection is an important value for me and I found myself reflecting on how important others are to supporting my self-management, and self-direction. They don't need to be close to me but I draw energy and strength from others through positive interactions and an ability to always find a commonality.

For me, sitting in Melbourne, hearing from devastated and drained colleagues in Sydney's lockdown week 5, felt all too familiar and encouraged me to assess my position now (still in a lockdown but due to having restrictions eased). I have gained a deeper connection to myself, my colleagues, my extended family both in Australia and in another land, and to my children. I certainly find I have slowed down, I no longer hang on the words of daily press conferences but instead just take what I need from the news and get back to my day and make sure to focus my time and attention on what really matters to me - people. 

I need connection in my life and realised through talking to others that I can find that in any place and any situation and therefore lead myself and interactions with confidence.


Reflecting on the values that are important to you and how you achieve them each day is a key part of self-leadership. This particular session was focused on values and setting clear boundaries but connection clearly came through. 

Be kind to yourselves and continue to lead yourselves through your days.

If you would like to have a free 15 minute conversation with me please book yourself into my diary here.


The ongoing Corona-Coaster


Reflecting on the Corona-Coaster