Building workplace culture takes time

We are not magicians!

Just because we want a great workplace culture, doesn't mean we can wave a magic wand and will it to happen. I wish that was possible, but this sets unrealistic expectations on ourselves and others to believe that workplace culture just happens.

It takes considerable time, thought and investment to build a healthy, above-the-line and psychologically safe workplace culture.

Most leaders are not given any real time to build culture, it is just expected to happen if a leader has good intentions.

Although good intentions are an excellent foundation, we do need to be proactive to build an above-the-line workplace culture.

Here are three steps to consider for your team to build a strong workplace culture:

1. Awareness
Firstly, be aware of the culture you currently have, the culture you would like to have, and the gap between the two.

  • Where are the opportunities to grow?

  • What behaviours and attitudes of your team feed the culture you want?

  • What behaviours and attitudes of your team members dampen, or even undermine, your workplace culture?

Make a list of the behaviours and attitudes you want to see more of and the behaviours and attitudes you want to see less of.

2. Actively positively influence the culture
Next, we need to encourage and acknowledge the behaviours and attitudes that foster the optimal culture. When you observe the culture building behaviours you can say simple things to our colleagues, like:

When you express your appreciation of others, it is very energising for them.

Your willingness to ask for help, sets such a great tone for the team, to be lifelong leaners.

When you generously provide feedback to others, it helps your colleagues feel valued and appreciated.

Thanks for your thinking of others, this is so good for teamwork.

3. Address the barriers to building a strong and positive culture
You'll also need to address when there are things that are detracting from that positive culture.

When someone's behaviours and attitudes are below-the-line, it is critical to find ways to bring it to their awareness and help them find ways to elevate their behaviours and attitudes above-the-line.

There are many ways to go about this and it will depend on their level of self-awareness, your relationship with them and their preferences about getting feedback.

One step may be to brainstorm together with them the behaviours and attitudes that are above-the-line and those that are below-the-line. If they have self-awareness, you can ask them to reflect on where they achieve this and situations where they might not achieve this. If they lack self-awareness about this, you'll need to give them kind and clear feedback.
Building a positive workplace culture is an ongoing process, that takes focus, time and energy. However, it is well invested time and energy, as positive workplace culture gives so many benefits to people's performance, their engagement, teamwork and wellbeing, just to name a few.

What are your strategies for building positive culture?
I'd love to hear from you about what you have found works well and I'd love to share them with others. Please email me on

Further insight

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