Leading ourselves into 2023

Many of us entered this year tentatively, unsure of what 2022 would hold. We were pretty worn out and uncertain of how life would unfold. The uncertainty has been exhausting and wearing, after a challenging few years.

Strong self-leaders found it easier (but not easy!) to accept the uncertainty we have faced.  They have adapted their standards and expectations, and adjusted to finding ways to be centred and maintain productivity.

During the course of 2022, the focus of self-leadership has changed. Rather than using it to adapt to the uncertain world we were dealing with, we began tentatively using self-leadership to move beyond the day to day and shape the life, career and future we long for.

Some of the best strategies I have observed for doing this are:

1 Self-acceptance and appreciation

Leading ourselves well means finding ways to be more self-accepting and create space inside for our strengths, vulnerabilities, quirkiness, goals, dreams, potential and our opportunities for growth and development.

2 Reduce our double standards
Leading ourselves above-the-line may mean reducing the double standards where we treat others better than we treat ourselves. Many people, but not everyone, treat others far better than they treat themselves.  

As we move into a new year, ask yourself these few questions...

  • How are you leading yourself as you move into 2023?

  • How do you talk to yourself? kindly or harshly?

  • What are your guiding principles for 2023?

  • What are your hopes for 2023?

Self-leaders navigate life and work from the inside out. They strategically work towards a future that is defined by values, intentions and hopes in ways that maximise their talent and the potential of others.

Further insight

Click the buttons below to read my blog: The power of self-leadership and learn more about my Thriving Professional Women course.


New Year, New You: What Self-Leadership Goals Will You Set This Year?


Building workplace culture takes time