Do you love a good question?

I love good questions. They make us think, grow and learn.

Good questions invite us to go deeper, to reflect and analyse, to consider new perspectives and insights.

When I worked as a mental health clinician and therapist, I found that questions were one of the most useful tools in my toolkit.

Good, supportive questions would invite my clients to go deeper in understanding themselves, their situations, their strengths and skills, their values and also the way forward from some of the challenges they were facing.

Useful questions are often open-ended, reflective, make us think and consider things we had previously thought through.

I didn't appreciate how easily the tools of good questions would translate when I became a trainer, facilitator, coach and supervisor. As much as I believe that my workshop participants value some of the wisdom and research I share, I often find it is the questions I ask that lead to rich insights.

What about you? Do good questions form part of your toolkit as a leader and team member?

Do you have some questions that you would like to ask me?

I have decided to offer some Ask Michelle Anything sessions from time to time.

Would you like to join our first one?

On Friday, 21 October, at 9.15-10 am, I am running an open zoom session for my esteemed colleagues and clients to 'Ask me anything!'

I know that questions sometimes pop up throughout your day, whether they be about leadership, self-leadership, thriving at work, psychological safety, emotional intelligence, supervision or workplace dynamics. So this is an opportunity for you to ask me that question and also to hear what others are asking.

In order to attend the zoom please register by clicking the link below and asking your question in advance so I have time to consider my response, look for themes in the questions and compile them.

I am really excited about offering this time and look forward to seeing you at 9.15am on Friday 21 October over zoom.


How to positively impact mental health and wellbeing


Are you investing in yourself?