How to positively impact mental health and wellbeing

Monday, 10th October 2022 is World Mental Health Day. The theme this year is ‘Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'.

It's a great theme, but being so grand may make us feel powerless to make much of an impact on global wellbeing.

So the question is, what can we each to do positively impact mental health and wellbeing at a local level?

Of course, a great place to start, is to focus on ourselves.

Many of you reading this blog are empathetic helpers.

You are allied health professionals, counsellors, nurses, doctors, leaders, supervisors, educators, community sector professionals, complaint handlers, accountants, lawyers, youth workers, carers and many others. You are carers at home too, you care for children, partners, parents, friends and ageing relatives.

You nobly dedicate your lives caring for the wellbeing of others. However, there is a high degree of emotional wear and tear in our work, and it has an impact on us, on our personal and professional wellbeing.

So what about you? How do you look after your own mental health and wellbeing?

Like other elements of wellbeing, looking after our mental health is a lifelong process. What will work for us will change over time.

Key things we can do:

  • Make it a priority

  • Commit to doing small things regularly

  • Do the things you want to do - not just what you have to do

  • Enhance your healthy habits - exercise, reading, doing enjoyable things, sleep, nutrition

  • Reflect on your strengths and skills each day

  • Relax your nervous system - deep breathing, meditation, mindfulness, exercise, yoga, being in nature

I highly recommend James Clear's book Atomic Habits if you are looking to build your wellbeing habits. I especially like his concept of habit-stacking.

In addition, I have listed below a range of other highly recommended resources for you. Links below.

I truly hope your mental health and wellbeing is a priority for you.


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