Feeling reactive throughout your days?

When we take a step back from our day to day work life (whether as a conscious choice or enforced) it can encourage us to reflect more deeply our values and our goals.

I have been quiet in my emails for a while as I needed to take some unexpected leave.

During that time, I had to juggle some personal challenges. Of course, it was hard at the time, but now that everything is settled and well, I’m reflecting on how I managed over that difficult time.

I can observe that I did a reassessment of my priorities and personal drivers. I didn’t have enough time for both work and the personal challenges, so I had to prioritise my personal life. Initially it felt uncomfortable, but it was so good to be OK with the unexpected things life throws at us.

Taking some time out from our demands is a key part of self-leadership. It is about responding to our changing priorities as life presents itself to us.

Self-leadership is leading yourself from the ‘inside out’ and reflecting on what it is that supports your core can be maintained by regularly taking time to reflect on:

  1. What would I like to keep doing in my daily life?

  2. What would I like to cultivate more of?

  3. What would I like to do less of, or even stop?

These questions can be asked from a work perspective and/or personally and hold great power in living proactively rather than reactively.

This year, I have been an active self-leader through designing a program I have always wanted to offer. It is the Thriving Professional Women’s program - delivered online in over a 10 month period - half a day per month.

I have had 2 groups commence this program who have absolutely loved it and the next group will commence in February.

If you would like to have a 15 minute conversation with me please book yourself into my diary here.


Wishing you a fabulous 2022


Leading yourself and professional development