May Wrap-Up: Embracing Transitions, Celebrations and New Beginnings

As we immerse ourselves in a month brimming with change and fresh starts, it's an opportune time to reflect on the incredible journey I've shared with one remarkable individual.

Nearly five years ago, Tamsin Ries joined my team as a business and relationship manager, and it proved to be a significant turning point for us all.

The search for the perfect candidate had been a long one, but the day Tamsin stepped through our doors, a sense of relief washed over me. I had finally found someone who would bring exceptional skills and unwavering dedication to the table.

Little did I know then that our collaboration would blossom into an extraordinary chapter of growth and achievement!

Together, Tamsin and I embarked on a transformative journey, conquering challenges and celebrating triumphs along the way. We weathered the storm of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, navigating its uncertain tides while continuously delivering exceptional services. Tamsin's contributions have been immeasurable, igniting a spark of resilience within the team and propelling us to thrive despite the challenges.

However, as life's tapestry unfolds, so too do our individual paths.

In three weeks, Tamsin will bid us farewell as she embarks on an exciting and long-term adventure abroad with her family. With heartfelt gratitude, I acknowledge Tamsin's immense impact on my professional practice and the seamless operation of my business.

Tamsin has been the driving force behind our ‘Dream Team’ and an integral pillar during times of profound change. As we stand at this crossroads, I can't help but marvel at the milestones we've achieved.

Together, let's embrace the winds of change and forge a path towards even greater accomplishments!

Celebrating Key Successes in May

As you can tell, May has been a month filled with changes, but with a lot of positive outcomes and reflections:

1. Trusting the Process and Finding a Great Replacement

May brought forth a significant challenge as we faced the departure of Tamsin from our team. It is never easy to bid farewell to a valued member, and the news initially left me feeling a sense of loss.

However, I consciously decided to trust the process and believe that this transition would ultimately benefit everyone involved. I embarked on a quest to find a successor who would bring fresh perspectives and expertise to our team.

2. Fortunate Discovery: Welcoming Corinne Nyssen

Fortune smiled upon us as we discovered an exceptional candidate for Tamsin's role. I am delighted and grateful to welcome Corinne Nyssen into our fold.

Corinne's background includes invaluable experience working alongside leadership development experts, as well as a successful tenure as the Marketing Manager for Peninsula Hot Springs. Her remarkable skills and strengths perfectly align with my vision and aspirations.

3. Embracing Change and Supporting the Team

Change often evokes mixed emotions, and Tamsin's departure was no exception. Our entire team rallied together, showing unwavering support for the arrival of Corinne. We embraced her strengths and skills with enthusiasm, recognising the immense value she brings to our collective growth.

As we reflect on May's accomplishments, we eagerly anticipate what the future holds for our team and the incredible journey that lies ahead.

Looking Ahead

One of the key things about the transition we’ve faced this month is being reminded of how important it is to focus on what we can control over what we can’t.

I think this is something we can definitely say the last few years has taught us!

Focusing on what we can control is crucial because it empowers us to take action and make a positive difference in our lives. By directing our energy towards the things within our sphere of influence, we can maximise our productivity and achieve tangible results. Dwelling on what we can't control only leads to frustration and a sense of helplessness, hindering our growth and progress.

Since the time that Tamsin let me know she was leaving mid-year, I have had a choice: to be badly impacted and focus on what I can’t control or to make an intentional choice to focus on what I can control.

I can control how much I’m grateful for all the work we’ve done together, and I can control who I next invite into help me on the next part of the journey.

And with this in mind, that we look ahead to a new month and new exciting opportunities.

Further reading

If you’re interested in learning more about change and employee change engagement, read this article by Frontiers in Psychology.

Upcoming workshops

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From Clinician to Leader: Navigating the Transition


March Monthly Wrap: Getting Out of Our Comfort Zones