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Are you an Amygdala Whisperer?
In the realm of our work in the health and community sector, the ability to effectively manage emotional interactions is paramount. Individuals who are skilled at managing emotional responses and fostering a positive workplace culture can be referred to as 'amygdala whisperers'. In this article I share the traits of amygdala whisperers and tips on how we can practice these skills in our workplaces.
Dealing with Burnout
Self care should always be a priority.
It needs to be a proactive focus at a team and individual level, not just when an individual is getting burnt out. Self-care should also not just be a priority because of covid.
7 tips for thriving at work
The workplace can often feel like a hectic and exhausting place to be, and with the line between work and home being constantly blurred, considering steps to remain resilient through your working day is critical.
There are some key tips that I carry around
How to positively impact mental health and wellbeing
The question is, what can we each to do positively impact mental health and wellbeing at a local level?
Of course, a great place to start, is to focus on ourselves.
Are you investing in yourself?
As we start heading in to the last stretch of the year, I’m aware many of us are feeling tired and lagging the energy to feel inspired and motivated to our usual level.
The Three Key Ingredients to a Thriving Team Ecosystem
While it doesn’t happen instantaneously, we can create great teams if we understand the key ingredients of a thriving team ecosystem.