Newsletters by Michelle
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Unlock Your Supervision Potential: Explore Our Free Resources!
As we continue to navigate the ever evolving and demanding landscape of healthcare, the importance of effective supervision cannot be understated.
Do you have a love-hate relationship with receiving feedback?
It’s a strange paradox—we long for feedback because we know it’s crucial for growth, but we also hate hearing it because it often stings, even when it's well-intended.
Are you a work in progress? And is that OK?
Giving yourself permission to be a work in progress means recognising the foundation you're building on and acknowledging that growth is an essential part of becoming a more effective leader.
How well are your supervisees engaging in supervision?
In an ideal world, we want our supervisees to bring an enthusiastic and open approach to supervision.
Are you feeling valued?
Along with our need for safety, belonging, fulfillment, and love, feeling valued is undoubtedly one of our core human needs.
The Ultimate Recipe for Best Practice Supervision
Grab your apron and your favourite spatula, because we’re about to blend, whisk, and bake the most delectable dish for effective and engaging supervision.
Transforming Supervision: Are you a compulsive problem solver?
The adage “give someone a fish and you feed them for a day, teach them to fish and you feed them for a lifetime” rings so true when it comes to refining our role as professional and clinical supervisors.
Unlock Your Supervision Potential: Explore Our Free Resources!
As we continue to navigate the ever evolving and demanding landscape of healthcare, the importance of effective supervision cannot be understated. It's not just about ensuring quality care for our clients, but also about the support of ongoing learning and fostering a supportive and thriving work environment for ourselves and our colleagues.
From Toxic to Transformative: Let’s Talk About Supervision
To support savvy leaders and organisations to invest meaningfully in their employees’ professional development, I’ve developed a simple framework that shows how supervision can move from toxic to transformative supervision - and the incredible impact this has.
Why send your supervisees to training?
It’s the Supervisors role to run the sessions isn’t it?
Actually, research shows that to get the most from supervision you need mutually engaged and driven participants.
What drives positive supervision?
Positive supervision is focussed on learning and skill development.
Positive learning supports skill development and problem- solving, the supervisor will provide relevant information and resources to help the supervisee grow in their practice.